Sunday, May 31, 2009

It may be raining but we'll still be playing

I'm now 5 days into my "job" here at Covenant Heights. I say '"job'" because this won't fit a typical job description. These first two weeks are going to be a mix of training, doing whatever odd projects need to be done, and some free time to climb! On Thursday, we started off our climbing adventures at Jurassic Park--did a couple fun climbs, including Edge of Time. It's a classic of the area, featured on the cover of the Estes Park guidebook, and now that the 1st bolt is back on, not as death-defying. Jon and I both flashed it before a storm was coming in. I'm thinking I will be able to enter the Chicago marathon by summer's end after all the hiking and biking, climbing, and running around I'll be doing. Yesterday we did some bouldering with some friends at Nicki's Boulders and made it to RMNP just in time for some rain and hail. Jon sent "Whale's Eye", V3, and I was pretty much shut down but at least my tips are on their way to thickening up. We came back to camp to teach our first low ropes groups, and it all went really smoothly. I'm pretty psyched that my job this summer is pretty much to let kids have fun (via high ropes, zip line, etc.). Besides scoring Jon and I super cool jobs for the summer, He also answered another prayer: to find a solid church. Jon and I visited Rocky Mountain Community Church this morning, and it was really refreshing. It reminds me in some ways of my church back in Indiana, The Mercy House. I'm excited that we won't have to be church hopping all summer and that we found a church that will encourage us to grow in Christ.
Unfortunately, it's raining now, deterring us from heading to the Ironclads for some sport climbing. Hopefully it will let up, as most rain does in Colorado.

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